Molly Spencer 4 years old

** I tried to only pick one or two pictures at first, but I got teary eyed thinking of my beautiful four year old, with her big heart, her sense of humor.. and I couldn't pick one or two. Instead I picked about 42. Pikture overload **

After the most stressful pregnancy imaginable sweet Molly Spencer entered the world on January Seventh.


"She is the cutest baby ever, and I really don't think we're being biased!" He said that so often when she was a baby... you should hear him now. "Molly is so beautiful." he always says this with his "convincing" face on. As if I don't believe him. I kept my thoughts to myself, she looked as ugly as every other newborn on the floor I'm sure. But she was ours. Tiny. Healthy. Pink. Alive.

After two boys we just "had" to have a pink car seat, a pink room, a pink pink pink everything.


Getting healthy in the hospital.l-6

Checking out his new baby.l-30

Valentine's Day 2007 (6 wks)l-20


Easter 2007 (12 wks)


4 Months oldl-145 Months
l-126 Months
l-187 months
l-218 Months

9 Monthsl-1910 Months - almost too big for her car seat!

l-37 l-2511 Monthsl-3912 months
l-41Birthday Girl!
040Beautiful, beautiful blue eyes.
030Those lips, those cheeks, those round eyes.
056Little did she know her daily photo shoots we just beginning.
031 013[5]She was so tiny. Tiniest walking human ever.
That face.
011 003And that face.
012 022 005 023Sweet memories. My mom sewing with my baby on her lap. I love this picture. So much.
001-12 years old and happiest when coloring.
IMG_7527My happy girl!
46316_1668088585069_1322945521_1800445_1743724_nMy little Angelina ballerina.
75125_1712424733445_1322945521_1887124_396249_n 012My God child; do you know how much your Daddy and I love you?
IMG_7617 IMG_7615Snowball fight!!
IMG_7833Three years old.
IMG_8032The girl needs her sleep. I love to look at her sleeping. She is so beautiful.
IMG_8381 IMG_8681Molly loves to have her toenails painted. She is such a princess.
IMG_8716Ocean Shores 2011
IMG_9130 IMG_9549 IMG_9545 IMG_0581A new sister to love on. And she does. She loves on her all the time.
IMG_0906This swim suit just cracks me up (no pun intended - okay, yes - pun intended!)
IMG_1353Learning to read.
IMG_1834The firemen were like putty in her sweet little fingers.
"What? You want to turn the siren on? Okay!"
IMG_9629 IMG_0117 IMG_9030 IMG_2332 IMG_2335Seattle Space Needle Aug. 2011
IMG_1876My sweet girl. She can turn on those big tears in a second. Most dramatic girl on earth.
003And so sweet. So loving. So SO So loving.
TFam-340 LRA hard day playing on the farm.
IMG_3885Quilting Weekend. Officially old enough to be an apprentice. Grandma and Molly Aug. 2011
IMG_3237She finally got the ride of the trike and she can get around on that sucker!
IMG_2982Any little squeak from iris brings Molly to her. she'll find toys, her binki or just croon "Iriiiis. Roooooo. looooove you baby!"
102Bustin' a move at my brother's wedding in September. Girlfriend loves to dance.
IMG_4423 IMG_4293 IMG_4224"Molly, did you color on your face?"
"Nooo. I would never color on my face."
We're working on that whole... honest thing. :)
IMG_4138 043 044Such a young lady.
005 034Making stuffing for our Thanksgiving turkey.
021 036Making bread with her favorite Mom. ;)
043We support our troops.
232323232fp73459_nu=5936_736_25__WSNRCG=346643798;34;nu0mrjFirst time riding a train!
003 025

Before I knew it, she was turning 4.066
New clothes, new classes.003
New fur coat from grandma and Papa.008
New tea set from Auntie and Uncle Chad.

She has so many parts of her. She is so beautiful. Inside and outside. She is loving, kind, a peacekeeper, loves her family, loves her friends. She loves going to to church, loves to bake, to create things. *sniff* okay okay...

Happy Birthday my sweet Molly Spencer. I am so proud of the young lady you are becoming.

I love you girly.

-Your favorite Mom




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