Oh, Joe!

I was totally laughing while attempting to take these pictures. Joe refused to smile because he was being a cowboy and Sam was crying through this whole thing because he wanted to wear the whole costume. We split it by giving Sam the hat and bandana and Joe got the boots and vest and a bandana.

I couldn't chose just one. :)


I told Joe, "Put your arm around Sam..." lol

"I meant around his shoulders." *rolls eyes*

"Smile. Show me your teeth." So Sam opens his mouth.IMG_2412IMG_2411IMG_2414IMG_2415IMG_2419IMG_2405



The kids' memory verse today was, "Where your treasure is there your heart will be also." This happens to be a verse they memorized for Awana last year so Sam was able to get it right away. Joe on the other hand... lol. He interpreted this to be something about Pirates of the Caribbean and how Davy Jones buried his heart in his treasure chest. So when Miss Kelsey asked him what his memory verse was he said, "Bury your heart in the davy jones locker." she just gave him a funny look and was all... "oh great job..." but me? I almost fell over laughing.
