Christmas Carnival

I am on the PTO at Sam's school and last night we attended the Christmas carnival. It went so smoothly and so fun even though not even half of my volunteers showed up! I just love the ladies from the PTO and their silly senses of humor!

Jerry took the kids to and from the carnival while I "worked it" and the kids had a blast.

Girl loves herself some carnival tickets!

Molly could be a future discus player.

she had arm loads of fun with the games. She really is a carnival game kind of girl.

Sam and his best friend from school, Kaylen.

I think Joe enjoyed the night the most. Not only did he just whip through the games (and win!) but he also enjoyed his hot chocolate without spilling (something I can not say about Molly and Sam) and when he saw Santa he was so over come with the awesomeness of it he just stood there with large eyes and his jaw hanging open until suddenly he jumped into Santa's lap and threw his arms around him. After we walked away he squawked, "I didn't say anything to him!"

*This was an activity on our advent calendar.
